Monday, January 27, 2014

Warhol's Silver Car Crash

Last semester I was shared a link to a video clip about Andy Warhol and more specifically his work of the Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster) painting. In this video Sir John Richardson and Tobias Meyer from the Stheby's Worldwide Head of Contemporary Art discuss the religious influence - specifically Catholicism, that Warhol used in this painting and in other paintings as well. I found this interesting because my project's focus will be Catholicism and what I have taken out of it and have put into my daily life. I never knew that Warhol was a Catholic AND a devout one at that. When I think of Warhol, I generally go straight to commercialism and more superficial things, but leave it to one of the greats to have such depth in something that seems shallow on the surface. I am thinking of using the repetitiveness I see in some of his work and possibly use it in my own with arrangement of some of my images. I'm playing with one idea at the moment, but am still very much at the beginning stages of the process.

Here's the short link, if anyone is interested:

And the Disaster painting I am referring to:

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