Monday, April 7, 2014

Artist Statement and Set Up

So as much as I hate to say it - I may have to cut some of my images out because I don't think they will all fit. This will however, make it easier to view in the gallery. I will need help on which ones to omit - although I do have some in mind already. Anyway, this is my Artist Statement that may or may not be on audio for the viewers to listen to in my voice. I will discuss other details on the setup on Thursday - I need feedback!!

Artist Statement

I am Latina. Religion and faith are embedded into my culture and my immediate family. I did not just practice my Catholicism at Mass or on Ash Wednesday, Easter and Christmas – for me, it was my identity.

For a long time I dared not to ever question my upbringing within the Church, but throughout the years I’ve become more curious into finding answers within myself.

In this work, I am exploring my religion and asking why it was so profound to my family and me. Through these photographs, I am seeking the connection between the Catholic religion and my family and how it affects and reflects within each individual. I intend to capture evidence of the Catholic influence within my family and examine how these influences have affected us and have molded us into who we are today. I begin to examine relationships between “saint” and “sinner” and question if it is even possible to be recognized within a portrait. Are we true to who we should have been? According to whom? How far have we gone away from what we were taught? These are some of the questions I hope to unveil throughout this series.


  1. One thing for me, when I read your artist statement and then look at your photographs I don't really see you seeking the connection between religion and your family, for me the connection is there. It seems more like you're capturing the influence that was and has been present and reflecting on that influence from your childhood and until now rather than showing the affects within you and your brothers and sisters.

  2. But, of course, that's just my opinion lol
