Monday, November 4, 2013

Glen Erler by Stephanie

Glen Erler's series called Where the Poppy Seeds Grow Wild is a series that was shot while visiting a friend in Italy that he hadn't seen in 25 years. There he found wild poppy seeds growing in unexpected places (hence the title). While he and his friend were out and about he would tell her to bring personal items with her and they would carry it throughout the day and he would place these items in the locations he chose to shoot, sometimes obvious to the eye and other times hidden underneath another object. Knowing that it makes you look and stay at the images a little longer than usual because of trying to find these objects in the frame. These therefore, take a different approach than just documentation of where she resides and adds a personal touch to these settings and locations. His color palette is rich but not overly saturated. The mood seems still and silent and the locations seem to reveal more about the people who reside here. It seems the people that would live in the area were in a way as silent and still as their surroundings. His choice of composing these images are satisfying to the eye and his fearlessness of shooting high contrast areas stands out the most to me in his images. I enjoyed this series very much and found it very inspiring for my next rounds of photographs. 


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